Monday, 24 January 2011

Walled Garden Bird Feeders

I was setting up my camera today in the walled garden to take some photographs of the wild birds in the Walled Garden. Just as I was putting the camera on the lens a Spotted woodpecker landed on the tree right by the hide. When it spotted me it flew away very quickly.

I was in the hide for a lot of the afternoon, in that time there was a lot of activity around the bird feeders. I was very happy to see a Goldfinch enjoying the Niger seed. Lots of Great Tits and a little group of Blue Tits. Another regular visitor was a Coal Tit, I think that there was only one of these. Another bird that I have not come into contact with that much was a Nuthatch that was eating the sunflower heats. A very fast bird always moving its head making it very hard to focus.

I spent a lot of time trying to photograph Chaffinches in flight. I only managed to get one shot that I was happy with. To get this shot I pre focussed on a point where I had observed them fly. I chose a spot in there flight path that they stalled in the air so as to achieve as much sharpness as possible. I then waited till a bird flew in front of the camera. There were a lot of Chaffinches but there was only one male bird to about 6 females.

Location: Walled Garden on Campus.

Time/Date: 24th January 2011

Weather: Light Cloud Cold

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